Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Science Program

We have also begun a new science curriculum that we are doing in a Co-op with another family (we're also doing art together).
These are really enjoyable science books and experiments. Very kid & non-scientist mom friendly!! They are written by a homeschool mom who also happens to be a scientist and she knows KIDS & SCIENCE and how to best put them together!
We are using the Pre-Level 1 books this year because of the age range we are teaching- 5, 7 & 9 year olds. The Level 1 books are geared for 3rd- 5th graders so we will move into those next year and they will have a great foundation in science concepts.
In addition, we still read many great nature stories, go for nature walks, keep nature journals and so on. To learn more go to:


1 comment:

cialis said...

Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple